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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2022 6:39 pm 
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BTW: a RDP connection attempt also fails with the message "An internal error has occurred" with Error code: 0x4 and Extended error code: 0x0!


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PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:58 am 
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Let's start with the basics.

In w11, is:
1) SMB 1 available & enabled?
2) Is Net framework 2.0 & 3.5 available & enabled?
3) After a failed install, are you using a program like Revo to remove all traces of the attempted install & restarting before the next install attempt?

Refer here for more initial arrow pointing

There are other things to check, but the above are the most common failure points.

Hi All, Thanks to everyone for your continued effort to keep the MSS & WHS alive. Haven't registered yet? Please do so the moderators know your here!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 3:33 pm 

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I had the same problem when upgrading to WIN11. I activated SMB v1 but that didnt fix it. I also activated TLS 1.x and that didnt fix it. The protocol mismatch still occurs even though I download the WHSConnector install from my HP server. The error apparently means there is a mismatch between the installed client and what the WHS server uses but I downloaded it so cant be that.
I have tried everything and no success. I did notice though if I installed the WHSConnector SW on a WIN10 version that didnt have it and the same problem occurred so its not just WIN11. However, if you had installed WHSConnector SW on a pre WIN10 like WIN7 and then did an upgrade to WIN10 it worked. Not sure if that helps someone. I vaguely recall having this problem years ago but cant remember what was done to fix it.
Having said that there is a cludge. If you install the WHSConnector SW but when it says it wont connect just leave the installed at that prompt. You will see the HP MediaSmart folder is created and the Home Server Console will work. Once you click this and the console starts you will be able to log in. So this problem is just with the installer. As long as you dont answer the failed installed with Cancel and let it sit there you can use the Home Server Console icon in the folder. Once you answer Cancel the Installer backs out everything and the icon although there says the app isnt installed.
Now a further thing you can do is to kill the installer once you get the cant connect msg. If you do this the uninstall cant run and it seems to work normally. I havent rebooted yet my WIN11 PC. I did close the Home Server Console and reconnected fine. So once I reboot I will see if it still seems installed. I will update when that outcome.
To comment on the above. Yes to .NET 3 installed. Yes REVO used to remove. SMB1 installed.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 4:52 pm 
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So your saying you got your connector working with your w11 client, if you just leave the installer warning fail window open, then log into the console, then kill the installer thru task manager?

Could you detail the kludge a bit?

Hi All, Thanks to everyone for your continued effort to keep the MSS & WHS alive. Haven't registered yet? Please do so the moderators know your here!

ex49x/v1 (toyin w/Vail)
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:54 am 

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Wow marmour- that is a huge breakthrough! I have the console up on the laptop now as you described but the pc is greyed out. I can see the backups of my past and current pcs but when I try and open one I get a "cannot connect to backup service on the server" message. Can you open backups in this state? I've just left the failed installer "operation cannot be completed" open on the desktop. thanks everyone for your efforts!

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 11:10 am 

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Hi makeitwork: My PCs shows as greyed out to. I dont have any backups though. I did try to enable backups and try doing one but nothing happens. So I guess that piece is not working yet. I wanted to use the console so I could shutdown, check the disks/status etc. As well the drive maps also work. I guess if the backups interface use the same transport layer as the installer then I guess it may have the same issue. I did go through an XML I found, in the installer folder on the server, and found the error message. I read previously someone looking at the certs. It may be that the cert being used on the server and on the PC is not the same and thats the problem causing the error. I saw through the diagnostic kit when I ran it than even though it said that there was a protocol mismatch it was ok however it seems the installer doesnt accept that. I saw in a thread here that someone tried to add/change certs used. I am wondering if there is something in the cert store that is missing and that is causing the issue. As I mention I enabled TLS 1.x. I think its a cert mismatch possibly by having Edge as the only browser maybe certs used by IE in the past are what is needed here.
Re Lionstreet. Yes. Run the installer once u get the cant connect to server msg. Leave it. Go to the HP Mediasmart Folder/Icon open it. Launch Home Server Console. It will connect properly. Note. If u answer Cancel to the cant connect msg the uninstall will run and the Home Server Console app is uninstalled. If u try to launch it from the HP Mediasmart folder/icon it will say app not installed. So u can rerun the WHSconnector sw as often as u want leaving it at the error and u can use the Home Server Console. Now what I tried was once that error was present, cant connect to server, I used task mgr to find the installer app running and killed the task. Once I did that the uninstaller didnt run and u can then launch the home server console.
Update - I rebooted my PC and the Home Server. After a couple of miscues, an erroneous cant find homeserverconsole.exe not sure if it was cause I tried to cancel it as my VPN was running. It works fine. So when u get the error msg about not being able to connect. Go to task mgr and kill the task running the installer. I am not sure if the backups piece is run after that connect piece is successful but possible. Someone cud maybe look into the certs and if thats the mismatch

PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:24 pm 

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I have not switched to Windows 11 because of the issue discussed here. I still use Windows 10 so that I can use my old faithful WHS. Recently I had to rebuild the WHS because I had a few disk errors, and then I tried the connector software that has always worked in the past. HOWEVER, there must have been an upgrade to Windows 10 that is now preventing me from connecting to my WHS. As described by a few members, my Administrator password is not being accepted. Does anyone know what changed since Christmas 2022 to stop me connecting to my WHS? I wonder if some new policies (see secpol.msc) have been introduced?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 2:14 am 
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Hi Gordon,

Respectfully this is off topic and the folks who might be able to help you won't see this.
Suggest you do a quick search to see if other have the same issue... and if not then post your question as a new topic.

Kind Regards

PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 8:21 am 
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Yes, please post your need in a new thread. I'm sure someone will help you find the reference you are looking for since this sounds like a simple fix.

Hi All, Thanks to everyone for your continued effort to keep the MSS & WHS alive. Haven't registered yet? Please do so the moderators know your here!

ex49x/v1 (toyin w/Vail)
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 1:06 pm 
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There are a few topics on this issue of the whs connector not installing recently.
What I can say is I am using win 10 64x on two different desktops and it works flawless, always has.
One is win 10 pro and the other is win 10 home

What has been mentioned is, make sure smb1 is installed and yes it needs to be.
I will add my other settings
I have changed my settings to private network not public.
And in the same settings page I have enabled network discovery and file/printer sharing for all

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:42 pm 

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OK, I'm popping in here with my recent experience. I, too, use WHSv1 because of its robust bare-metal, multi-system, multi-archive-drive, fast and reliable backup system. I'm open to alternatives that actually fill-out *every* checkbox that WHSv1's backup system ticks, but...

Anyway, I mostly run Windows 10, and today, I ran into this error, the "cannot be completed at this time" thing. On Windows 10, I might add. This was a PC that was previously set-up and running just fine, but it experienced a breakdown of the WHS backup connection due to a Windows Update that did an in-place upgrade and broke Backup. So I needed to reinstall the client... I thought. I didn't think it would be this bad!

Going down the rabbit hole, I also smacked my head on the errors:
"Windows Home Server protocol mismatch. This computer uses protocol version 6.0.3436.0, but partner computer ATOM uses protocol version 6.0.2423.0. A connection cannot be established."

And as I started drilling down and fixing the errors one by one, I also bonked my head on:
"Please, run Discovery.exe again. This machine certificate C06E2A3BE1479FEF9B672AFC7FD73AB40 is missing. It normally means that the server discovery (discovery.exe) was not run or was not run successfully. It also happens during the upgrade to Windows Vista."
And then
"The private key of the Windows Home Server's certificate is not accessible by the SYSTEM account. File and folder permisions on the system volume may have been modified inappropriately."
"The Windows Home Server Connector service started successfully."

What I ended up doing:
0) At the end of setup, with the error, I kill-tasked Discovery.exe and then msiexec.exe (or whatever the Windows Installer process was). This can be risky if Windows Installer believes the install is half-baked, but I ran another installer later, and it didn't complain of a partial install, so it seems to be OK.
1) On a working client, I opened up regedit to "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Home Server\Transport\Server" and took note of the "GUID" value.
2) On the non-working client, I pasted that GUID. Now, restarting the WHS client service complains about the missing certificate (in the client's Application event log). Hmm.
3) On the server, I open mmc.exe, and add a snap-in instance for "Certificates", for "Local Computer".
4) Drill down to "Certificates (local computer) -> WHSKeys -> Certificates" and locate the computer ID that matches the ID that you found in the Event Log.
5) Export that key to a file - and include the private key by providing a password (you're creating a password - so remember it).
6) Copy that file to your client PC and import it (use the password you created a second ago). Place it in the path, "Local Computer -> WHSKeys".
7) Restart the WHS Client service. Now it'll work again! Though my WHS Tray icon says it can't connect (red), WHS Backup shows the computer online, and it's able to back-up and run the console.

The steps above don't address the broken Discovery, though - that's going to take more digging. It's a good start, though.

WHSv1 forever!!

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:48 pm 

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To avoid the risk of triggering a first-post-edit "held for moderation" (which may never come on a forum this old), I'll add this as a new reply:

Looking at the versions within the console, it looks like both of these versions are, in fact, versions of different components of the WHS system - so I suspect this error is actually a red herring - a symptom of fail-over, trying to connect using a different protocol or such - and failing on the fail-over instead of telling us why it failed to begin with.

It's also worth noting that SMB has no effect on WHSv1 for anything except file sharing - WHS doesn't seem to use SMB. I've not needed to enable SMBv1 in the past (except to access the file shares, which I stopped doing since I just needed the one connector .exe installer) - and more pointedly: my one working PC had all the SMBv1 options disabled already

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:01 am 

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captainsemtex wrote:
There are two CipherSuites in Windows 10 that are not enabled in Windows 11; TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA and TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA.

You can use Windows Powershell to enable these. On my Windows 11 machine I used the Get-TlsCipherSuite -Name "<insert one of the above>" to confirm it was not enabled and then used the command Enable-TlsCipherSuite -Name "<insert one of the above>".

Further progress, now that I've dusted off a Windows 11 PC to try. Sure enough, it fails at more steps than the PC with Windows 10 did. It, too, gave the "cannot be blah-blah at this time" error - and the version mismatch and what-not. All that was fixed with the routine I posted above - export the WHS reg keys, kill the discovery/setup tasks, reach into the server, grab the client certificate, transfer it to the Windows 11 PC, import the certificate.

But it still failed. This time, in "Connector._date_.log", I saw the lines:

[8/15/2021 2:48:22 AM 4ff0] Partner shut down the connection
[8/15/2021 2:48:22 AM 4ff0] Error performing handshake

Odd. Error performing handshake. (Above, I had tried setting the date back a couple years in case certificates had expired, but nope, not the problem)

I went ahead and tried the Enable-TlsCipherSuite from the hint above. That was what finally did it (in 2023). Strange, because after you "enable", then go back and "get" again, it's all blanks - and it takes a gibberish name as well, so I'm confused as to why it works. But it does seem to be the trick.

(within PowerShell, not CMD)
Enable-TlsCipherSuite -Name TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA
Enable-TlsCipherSuite -Name TLS_DHE_DSS_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA

I've now got WHS running on my Windows 11 machine - it was upgraded from Windows 10, so it was already connected to the server, though. Thus there is still an open question as to how to add a NEW computer to WHS... but hopefully with these pieces, we can inch forward. Adding a client to the server may still be a manual process - and creating a client cert may be the hardest part. Maybe that, too, can be done manually... hmm!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:02 pm 

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The details about the registry key and the certificates needing to be added to the W10/W11 system are understood and hopefully will fix a problem with a W10 system. However, the use of discovery.exe is not familiar. Could you elaborate on it a bit more?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:48 pm 
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DJinSD wrote:
The details about the registry key and the certificates needing to be added to the W10/W11 system are understood and hopefully will fix a problem with a W10 system. However, the use of discovery.exe is not familiar. Could you elaborate on it a bit more?

On the client, browse to the Windows Home Server directory under program files. It is part of the install process. I ran it a second time and it failed at the same point.

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