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PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 1:06 pm 
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You need to select items in reverse from that thinking.
Starting with the visitor working towards the hardware.

The very first item to window shop for should be what is your connection speed.
The plan you are on needs a very fast upload speed.Your download speed will not make much difference.
For visitors your upload speed is their download speed.
So there is a cost to upgrade your connection speed if available.

Second would be your ip really should be static if available
If fact you really need a static IP if you want a security certificate for a online store.

Third is to register a domain name, there are options for a dynamic ip if you can't get a static ip.

Then you need to determine what flavor of Linux you wish to use.
Due to limits on device drivers availability in different linux variations,This will determine what hardware to buy.

After that then you buy hardware that supports the particular os.
For example a cpu can be a amd or intel.
Intel has higher power requirements.
So it needs possibly a larger psu.It depends on the rest of the hardware.

So does the linux variation support only one or the other or both.
If it only supports amd due to drivers needed then you need a amd motherboard.
So say you decide on amd, well a desktop mother board may not cut it for ecommerce with multiple users,You may opt for a server motherboard with multiple processors. There is not a lot of difference in price bit it will be a different cpu even staying with amd.

See how convoluted this can get!

Now you could just make do with any extra pc you have but it needs to be one without all the overhead a regular desktop has ,like video outputs,dvd drive editing software,bluetooth,wifi etc.. The only items you need are ram ,processor and drive storage space. Then to manage it, you login with remote desktop from another pc.

VGA/PS2 Keyboard/PS2 Mouse/Serial debug board
Popcorn C-200
Popcorn A-200
Dune HD Connect
Rasberry PI OSMC(KODI)
ReadyNAS RN316
Amazon FireStick
Amazon ECHO


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