New MediaSmart Server on the way?

by Alex Kuretz on March 30, 2009 · 6 comments

in News

Forum user Skeeter, a self-proclaimed former Compaq/HP employee, has some pictures of what appears to be a new MediaSmart Server. The pictures are blurry but some details can be made out. The unit is labeled MediaSmart Server with a LX195 model designation, has a Windows Home Server logo on the packaging, what appears to be a 640 gigabyte capacity, and a USB logo. Comparing the LX195 designation versus the EX475 and EX485, it’s not too difficult to speculate that this may be a single drive MediaSmart Server, with USB connectivity to allow for duplication.



Thanks, Skeeter, for sharing this info! I’ll be sure to update this when I have more info to share.

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I'm Alex Kuretz, and I'm the founder of I was the Lead Test and Integration Engineer at HP for the MediaSmart Server until April 2008 when I moved on to other opportunities outside HP. I've kept active in the Windows Home Server community, creating several add-ins and helping users make the most of their Home Servers.


Igor March 31, 2009 at 8:44 am

Are you sure this is not a older prototype box for mock up? too bad you can’t get some clear pictures, or pictures of the actual device.

Texas-Hansen March 31, 2009 at 8:44 am

Well, Mr. Engaget poster, this news broke here on March 30, 2009 at 3:22 PM (CDT)… more than 15 hours before Engaget picked the story up. So, who’s copying who?

Alex Kuretz March 31, 2009 at 10:58 am

Igor, this could be a mockup or prototype, but I never saw near heard about this unit during my time at HP so it’s nothing historical.

Uzo September 7, 2009 at 1:32 pm


I am Technologically Challenged, I know my question may sound foolish, but what is a Mediasmart Server? What does it do?


Alex Kuretz September 8, 2009 at 1:20 pm

I’d suggest you start by reviewing the Windows Home Server FAQ and let us know if you have more questions.

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